Visiting Belo Horizonte

How to Arrive:

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International flight: Belo Horizonte has an international airport - Aeroporto Tancredo Neves (Confins). Unfortunately there are no direct flights from London to Belo Horizonte. Jessica favourite flight is opperated by TAP Airlines. The flight leaves London in the morning, makes a connection in Lisbon and come straight to the city, she personaly prefer this flight because they speak portuguese and she likes the food, the flights are cheaper as well but you can be unlucky sometimes and get an old airplane. Harry's favourite flight is operated by British Airways, the flight leaves at night and arrived in the morning in São Paulo, then you have a second flight from São Paulo to Belo Horizonte. Harry prefers this flight because he likes the food, the airplane and they speak English. You have also the option to flight with LATAM which is very similar to BA flight. On international flights with connections in Brazil you may need to check out you luggage and check in them again. Flights from London to Belo Horizonte usually take 12 - 13 hours total and you are allowed to bring 2x 32kg luggage no cost (please check this information with your airline). 

National flights: Belo Horizonte is very well located in the country and very close to the most touristic cities like Rio de Janeiro and São Paulo. It is just one hour flight from Rio de Janeiro, São Paulo, Brasília, Vitória and Curitiba. 

How to arrive in the city: 
The airport is 40km from the center of Belo Horizonte. You can find tranfer companies that take you to the most famous hotels, you can rent a car, you can take an uber or taxi (it would cost from 72 - 100 reais by uber to the city center). The cheapest alternative is taking the bus, the bus takes 1 hour to arrive in the city center, it costs R$13,00 and it is a normal travel bus, so your luggage has a separated place to be keeped. 

Where to stay:

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The touristic places we recommend to stay are in the neighbourhoods of Funcionários, Savassi and the center, close to the church of Boa Viagem. This areas are well located and close to the main museums, squares and parks of the city. 

The second area that you can find nice hotels is in the neighbourhoods of Belvedere and Vila da Serra. The area is one of the most expensives in the city but it is close to nice nightclubs, restaurants and has a nice shopping mall around, it is closer to the venue than the center of the city.

How to go to the wedding: 
You can go to the wedding by taxi or uber, the venue is a countryside house located in Ibirité, it is 30km from the city center, around R$50,00 by uber.