Tips and Advices

Travelling to Brazil:
Vaccines we recommend to have before coming to brazil: typhoid, hepatitis A, hepatitis B, yellow fever, rabies, and influenza. You can not enter some parks in the city of Belo Horizonte without yellow fever vaccine, we strongly recommend to take it.

Use sun protection and mosquito protection.

Avoid having street food, specially with mayonese. We had a terrible experience with a tummy bug in 2016, we do not recommend!

Make sure to have a healthy insurance, to travel to Brazil or anywhere else.

As any other tourist place, do not go out with expensive watch, flashy jewellery and do not display you phone while walking in the streets. Avoid narrow, empty and no iluminated streets.

Wedding Day:
The most appropriate clothes for the day are the ones that make you feel confortable. On wedding in Brazil everyone wear formal clothes. Men do not require to wear suits because the temperature will be around 28ยบ. Woman use to wear knee-lenght dresses or long dresses and avoid the colour white. In our wedding all colours, lenghts, patterns and embroidery are allowed, we would love to see lots of shine in the clothes! We recommend woman to bring shoes without heels for the party, it will be a long event and we want you to enjoy all the moments.