About us

We share the passion for construction, travel and food. We have met at Isambard's pub in Portsmouth while Jessica was doing an internship of architecture at University of Portsmouth. From the beginning we found a very strong feeling and connection. Since the day we met we never got apart, our official day is 14th february of 2015 - a valentine's day very well celebrated with a great coffee (very British) at the square tower in Old Portsmouth.

We enjoyed every since day while Jessica was living in Portsmouth: camping in Eden's project, day trip to visit the seven sisters and Brighton, took the ferry to Isle of Whigt, weekend day with Pete and Leila at Oxford! In the other hand, we had a very hard time when Jessica had to return to Brazil to finish her studies, we did not know what to expect from a distance relationship, the only thing we were sure is that our love is strong and we could trust each other.

We never knew our journey would be so fun in the last few years. Harry had the opportunity to visit Brazil and see the main cities of the tropical country. We were together in the most important days like Jessica's graduation and Pete and Leila wedding.

In 16th of december of 2017 we got engaged in front of Portsmouth castle, place we visited so many times in the beginning of our relationship. We look forward to celebrate the love with our friends and family on 20th April of 2019. We knew distance and time couldn't stop what is meant to be.